Bodhi Path Europe e.V.
„Bodhi Path Europe e.V.“ was formed as an umbrella organization for the European Bodhi Path centers and Bodhi Path groups. It’s a nonprofit charity registered in Germany (e.V. = German “eingetragener Verein” = registered association). Its main purpose is the coordination of the centers and groups as well as the management of the Central Fund. It also holds the rights to the license of the trademark “Bodhi Path” and its logo. Additionally projects of members are encouraged and supervised. The association also organizes teachers’ visits.
The presidents of Bodhi Path Europe are the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, His Holiness Thaye Dorje, Shamar Rinpoche and Jigme Rinpoche. The association is represented by a board of three people to be elected every three years by the members’ meeting. The board can be contacted via email. The members of the board work closely together with the Bodhi Path Assistants for Europe.
The rights for the use of the Bodhi Path™ are granted to Bodhi Path Europe e.V. by the Wisdom Foundation, founded by Shamar Rinpoche in the USA in 1991. Bodhi Path Europe strives for a close collaboration with other Bodhi Path Associations or Foundations around the world.
Membership: All European Bodhi Path Centers and Groups will become members upon application and approval. General guidelines for the Centers and groups are to be found in the Bodhi Path Guidelines. For more specific questions the board can be contacted.
Central Fund
The Central Fund represents the assets of Bodhi Path Europe. The yearly membership fees of at least 1.- € per month per person for each center/group or any donation should be transferred to this account:
Bodhi Path Europe e.V.
IBAN: DE62430609677927366800
Money can also be transferred via PayPal. Please use the following email within PayPal:
or directly via PayPal to the account:
The Assistants were appointed by Shamar Rinpoche to help, guide and answer questions of the coordinators. Different from the board members of Bodhi Path Europe e.V. the Assistants REMAIN PERMANENTLY in their job. One very important job is to coordinate the teachers visits.
We do appreciate when you turn to the Bodhi Path Assistants if you have any questions outside of the Bodhi Path Europe Organization.
The EU-Assistants originally appointed by Shamar Rinpoche are:
- Sabine Teuber (Renchen-Ulm, Germany)
- Maria Camara (Valencia, Spain)
- Irena Stetinova (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Beat Lehmann (Zurich, Switzerland – currently not active)
- Board of Bodhi Path Europe e.V.
Please use this address to communicate anything important to the organization, if you have good and creative ideas for projects, if challenges in centers arise or projects concerning more than your center alone are planned. As well, if you need assistance in any organizational topic please let us know. The current board members are Barbara Vornweg-Lutz, Silke Kusian and Ilona Adamírová.
Email: - Assistants of Bodhi Path Europe
Please use this address for any question regarding teachers. If you plan to invite a teacher the assistants are to be asked and they will see if this is possible. Please keep in mind that there should be only designated Bodhi Path teachers visiting the centers and groups.
Bodhi Path Instructors’ Training
In 2013 the Bodhi Path Instructor training started in Europe. This training is very successful and gives a profound understanding of the basics of dharma following the curriculum given by Shamar Rinpoche. The instructors are allowed to guide the meditation sessions, answer most of the beginners’ questions and start to share their knowledge within their groups observing the chart that has been created for that purpose.